Well, life can get the best of us and it can be easy to get off our routines and fall back into our old habits, because we are creatures of habit so if we are not consistently making an effort to make new choices and habits, then we will fall back into our old patterns.
"We are what we repeatedly do".
Part of February and March I struggled with sticking to my daily goals because my routine was just chaotic! From traveling, having family in town, my niece being born, and moving to Dallas, needless to say life was crazy for a bit! I did not want to give up though and go back to my old ways! I could already see it happening and I was not willing to let it continue that way.
I remembered some worksheets I got from the Compound Effect website that I thought would help. It's a Weekly Rhythm Calendar to track your daily and weekly goals. I wrote down everything I wanted to accomplish on a weekly basis and I hung it up on my fridge so I can see it everyday! Just by having that hanging up on my fridge pushes me to complete everything so much more because I get so much satisfaction by putting check marks next to every thing I accomplish! There is also accountability because my boyfriend sees it and I don't want to disappoint him (even though I know he wouldn't necessarily be disappointed in me, I just know he wants me to live up to my fullest potential).
I am a visual person and I need to see things in order to remember to do them and keep myself accountable. So if you are like me at all in this way, I encourage you to try it this next week. Whether you want to eat healthier, work out more, read more, watch TV less, spend more time with family and friends, etc.. it could help you to complete your goals. And tell people your goals, especially ones you live with and interact with the most; so they can ask you about them and help keep you accountable. If you need an accountability partner, I can even be that for you. Let me know!
Well, here is how I did last week. I did better and worse in some areas but now I know how I need to adjust for this next week and do better! I highlighted the ones I needed to do on a daily basis.... I hope to do better this week, but it is a step in the right direction.