
The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy, the publisher of SUCCESS.

I finished my book of the month, and I could probably write a WHOLE book on how it has helped change my life.   I know that sounds drastic, but it has really put a whole new perspective and viewpoint on life.   If you want to improve any part of your life, your income, job, relationships, health, attitude, fitness, etc, then this book is for you.  It will give you simple, basic, but effective tools to accomplish your goals.

Hardy takes you back to the basics, ya know, of hard work and not expecting magical results to appear without working for it.  Basically, what you put into life is what you get out of it.   Or another way to put it is “you get in life what you tolerate”.  You get in life what you accept and expect you are worthy of.  I realized that I wasn’t expecting great things in life because I didn’t believe myself to be great.  Which is a daily mental battle, but I won’t go into that now.

The Compound Effect’s Principle is: Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = A RADICAL DIFFERENCE.

One thing I have always majorly struggled with is consistency.  That’s because I wanted those FAST instant results and when I wasn’t getting it, I quit.  I thought “well, it’ll never work, I’ll never be like HER or I’ll never be able to achieve THAT,  I am just not that special”.  Well, how lame of me to think so low of myself!   Through reading this book I have learned how valuable consistency really is!  Change will happen, and it may happen slowly and that’s okay.  It’s better that way, it’s meant to work like that. 

The book really helped me learn how to set my goals the proper way so you can make them a reality instead of just a fantasy.  Hardy makes you look at your choices, habits, your momentum, and your influences.  I learned a lot about myself; who I was, who I am now, and who I want to be.

Since this year is all about change and setting goals for myself, this was the perfect book to start the year off.  I already set my goals, but I wasn't quite sure how to take the steps to achieve them.  This book has set me in the right direction.  I feel like I've gained some practical knowledge on how to achieve them.  Hardy is huge on tracking...track everything you want to change or accomplish.  One of my goals is following a budget, so I track every penny I spend in a little pocket journal.  Like I said before, it has helped me become aware.  Awareness is huge.  Most of us live life in the motions and we aren't even aware of what or why we do things.  So yea, becoming aware of my actions has helped me make better choices which ultimately leads to better habits which creates a better routine in life.

I could go on forever, and I will most likely post more things about what I learned, but another day.  I encourage everyone who is ready for a radical change in their life to read this book.  It will help you become AWARE of your daily choices, behaviors, and habits and how they truly effect you in the long run.  I took notes on each chapter and I’ve already gone back through them.

Anyways, yay for reading!  Do you have any must-reads that you would recommend?  I’m reading at least one book a month and I am open to suggestions J