Anyways, I was thinking back about when I was in middle school I went to this girls weekend retreat for church. I remember one of the nights we talked about dating and marriage. One of the activities we did consisted of us writing a list of all of the qualities we want in our future husband. I am sure many girls have done this type of "Man of Our Dreams" exercise in their journals. I think it is a great thing to do because it helps remind us to never settle and to remember the important qualities we want and need in a mate.
However, I recently got a new perspective on this little activity after reading The Compound Effect. Hardy made a good point about the Law of Attraction. A lot of times when we make goals, or lists such as this, we tend to think "Ok, what do I need to do to achieve this, or what do I need to do to find this perfect person?". We should be asking, "Who do I need to become to achieve this? Who do I need to become to attract this amazing man or woman?" We need to look inward. If we want this amazing person to come along in our life and if we want to keep them in our life, then we most likely need to do some inward looking at ourselves and see who we need to be to attract this special person, and then do the work to become that person or improve in certain areas.
I think relationships are the best when they come out of nowhere, when you least except them. Often times when you aren't even looking for one. The time when you are just focusing on yourself and the things going on in your life and then BAM, God places someone amazing in your life when you least expect it. You know, HIS timing. It's not forced or rushed, it just comes along naturally.
I feel like the past couple of years I have been focusing on myself and trying to be a better person in general. Of course, it's a daily battle and we always have ways to improve ourselves. Well, I made my list of who I need and want to be for my significant other. Several pages actually. I think relationships in the past did not work out for me because I was probably too focused on who the other person was or wasn't, and I was not looking enough at who I needed to be for the other person. I think no matter where we are in life, single, dating, in a serious relationship, married, it's never too late to look inward and make a list of who we need to be. Instead of trying to fix and change others, why don't we look inward at ourselves and take the steps to make ourselves a better person. When we shower others with love, positiveness, encouragement, when we are giving, sweet, kind, generous, joyful, etc. we are bound to get those in return. Maybe not overnight, but in time we will. It's the Law of Attraction.
I'll share two of my pages with you all. (I apologize for my handwriting-at the time I did not know I'd be sharing this publicly). I encourage you to make your own list. Keep it somewhere that you will see it often, as a reminder to be the best version of yourself.
"Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon...must inevitably come to pass"
-Paul J Meyer